Monday, October 21, 2013

More Guestbook Alternatives | North Carolina Wedding Planner

Earlier this year we shared some of our favorite guestbook alternatives, but since then I've found even more that I am head over heels for. Today seemed like the perfect time to share some of these new finds.

I hope you enjoy these and don't forget to go back and check out our earlier Guestbook Alternatives post. You can also follow us on Pinterest for additional inspiration.

I love this idea of a graffiti wall (or canvas). What an awesome piece of art to display in your home. Just make sure your venue will let you use spray paint!

Want to do something a little more useful? How about a quilt you can snuggle up in with your hubby?
Crystal etching is something new that I'm seeing start to pop up everywhere. Purchase a crystal etching pen and have guests pen their well wishes onto a crystal bowl or vase that you can reuse forever.
Tip Jars are a great way for your guests to share their advice for marital bliss with you and you'll enjoy reading through these over the years.
I love this idea of having your guests sign the pieces to a Jenga game. Not only will you enjoy playing the game with your hubby and friends, you'll be able to see all of these great messages everytime you play.
A puzzle would be just as fun!
How about having your guests sign a vinyl record of the song used for your first dance?
Have you come up with your own creative guest book idea? Share it with us!!

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